Friday, October 19, 2012

The Grace Message is about No Condemnation!

You have a future. A bright future filled with success and great destiny. Not only does the Bible tell you so, but it's likely you've received numerous prophecies from church members and leaders declaring the great future you have ahead of you and the plans God has for you. But for some reason, you just don't feel like that's you. You don't feel good enough for such a future.

It is so unfortunate that some of the world's most successful people today are unbelievers. There are more Christians than any other faith in the world. Where are they in society's elite? I have no doubt that they should be there. The reason they're not? Shame and guilt. Far too many Christians feel too unworthy to step into their bright destiny and thus end up settling for mediocre lives. Unbelievers on the other hand have dreams in their hearts that they pursue with all their might and aren't ashamed to do so. They don't think twice about being worthy for such success.

Why is that? I believe it has to do with how we view God. Too many Christians intrinsically believe that God is keeping score of their lives and that they constantly fall short. While unbelievers have so distanced themselves from consciously being aware of God that they don't care what He might think, and thus have no hinderance to feeling worthy enough to go after their dreams.

Whose the better person of the two? Neither of the two are better than the other. Both are equally loved by God. The unbelievers are at least accessing some of their Earthly inheritance. While the believer has access to the Life Source of the Universe, Jesus Christ. But what good is having such access if we're not drawing on Him?

God isn't some distant Being waiting to judge us on the “Last Day” and evaluate whether we make it into Heaven or not. He is a Father who wants to see us succeed now. In whatever area it is that we find ourselves. Whether it be in our Grade 11 mid-year exams, our swimming trials on the weekend, or an audition for the lead role in a Hollywood Blockbuster!

Christians are the most powerful beings on the planet when they realise who they are, and what their Father is like. An incorrect view of our Father and ourselves will limit us in our destiny. We are part of a generation of God's children who will supersede the accomplishments of the unbelievers in this world. God is removing the cloaks of shame, and His children are rising up to take their place as those who inherit the Earth! (Check out Romans 4:13 for confirmation of that promise)

My passion is to help Christians throw off the shame of not feeling good enough for God and their bright futures, because I believe when they do, we will see the world changed. So allow me to take you on a journey of seeing how much God values you, and how much He wants you to succeed. Are you ready? Let's go...

First and foremost, if you are a Christian, God is for you. He is not against you. And He is most certainly not holding your sins against you. Check out 2 Corinthians 5:19:

God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them.”

The Scriptures are full of this wonderful Truth that God is not counting our sins against us! Not only does He not hold them against us, He removes them entirely!

David had a revelation of this Glorious Truth in Psalm 103:12:

As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgression from us.”

How far is the East from the West? It's infinite! My friend, your sins have been infinitely removed! They are gone... FOREVER!

When we Christians get the revelation that God does not hold our sin against us, we will realise that He looks at us with Love and passion. He doesn't see the sin and the failures, because in His mind they have been removed. And if He doesn't see the sin and the failures, why do we focus on them? God wants us to move from a “sin-consciousness” to a “God-consciousness”. For so long, we've focussed on sin. Trying not to do this sin, exposing that sin, etc. But the point was never to focus on sin, the point is to focus on the Lover of our souls who empowers us to change the world!

You see, it's the devil who has conned us into believing that we aren't good enough for God, and therefore certainly not good enough to accomplish anything great and walk into our inheritance. Scripture tell us that he is the one that accuses us when we fail, not God! Revelation 12:10 reveals satan as the “accuser of the brothers”. He is the one accusing us for our failures, not God!

This is why when Jesus finished His Work on the Cross He disarmed the powers of darkness. Colossians 2:11 clearly shows us:

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the Cross!”

The only power the devil has is to accuse us of our sin and failures. And God removed that power by removing our sin and failures! It's because of this Glorious Truth that Paul could declare in Romans 8:1 that “there is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!”

Notice a keyword there? NOW. There is NOW, right now, right this instant, no matter what you just did, NO CONDEMNATION! None whatsoever! None at all! God is not condemning you for anything! God is not pointing out your failures. It's not His nature. It's not His will. His will is to point out your bright future and reveal His Love for you. If you just sinned, He is standing with arms wide open waiting to Love on you and remind you of your worth as His child. When you receive that Love, you'll be empowered to change.

The more you realise how much Daddy Loves you, and how great His plans are for you, the less you will find yourself sinning and instead pursuing the great destiny He has for you.

Like the vision of Joshua in Zechariah 3:4, the time has come for us to allow God to remove from us our garment of shame, and wear the rich garments of royalty. Like the prodigal son in Luke 15:22, we need to realise our Rich Father has clothed us with His Best Robes despite our failings.

We are royalty! We are children of the Most High God! We are princes and princesses of the most powerful Kingdom in the Universe! There is nothing to be ashamed of!

Rise up, take off your shame and never wear it again. Jesus wore it for you, and then He destroyed it entirely by dying on the Cross. He killed your shame! Now take your place as the royal child of God that you are. And get out there and change the world.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Daniel 6 - Distinguish Yourself From The Rest

This devotional is based on a sermon James Preston preached on Sunday 16 September - You can download it here:  "NO FEAR OF HUNGRY LIONS"

Daniel 6:3
Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 

Daniel had exceptional qualities.  For a number of reasons which I won't get into right now.  Did you know that, like Daniel, you have exceptional qualities?  In case you didn't know that, you do now!

As a Christian you have exceptional qualities that make you different to everyone else.  You are a New Creation who has passed from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.  You radiate Christ!  You are different in every way.

But I want you to notice something...  the verse opens up with Daniel "distinguishing himself".  You see, Daniel had the exceptional qualities, but he still had to use them in order to distinguish himself.

As Christians, we all have exceptional qualities, but the responsibility lies with us in order to use those qualities to distinguish ourselves.  We don't become worldchangers by osmosis!  Noah built an Ark.  Abraham went.  David met Goliath's challenge.  You get the picture.

Friends, this is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25:21 when he encouraged us to be faithful with the few things.  When we start being faithful with what we have been given as children of God (more than just a few things!) then we will start to activate the favour of God over our lives and see abundant blessings poured into our lives.  The abundant blessings will not pour out of nowhere if we are passively sitting waiting for things to happen!

We have the ability to distinguish ourselves from all others around us; other leaders, co-workers, business-people, politicians, etc. and when we do make conscious decisions to walk in the fullness of our identity, we will naturally distinguish ourselves from the rest.

How can you be faithful with the little?  How can you distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd?  Here are a few practical areas where you could start right now:

  • Be submitted
  • Always positive attitude
  • Offer solutions
  • Do the work you have been given to the best of your ability
  • (Paul said 'do everything as though unto the Lord' – Col 3:23)
  • Be honest – no matter what
  • Look to help others, not yourself – Considering others always

These are just a few "handles" with which Holy Spirit can help you grab onto as you pursue the inheritance God has planned for you as a child of God!

You are favoured!  You are exceptional!  Now distinguish yourself by using that favour!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Being a Christian in the Workplace - Daniel Series Part 1

Daniel 1:8 - 9
Daniel resolved to not defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favour and sympathy to Daniel...

For those that may not know the story; Daniel, along with a few of his royal Jewish friends, had been drafted into Babylonian royal service after Nebuchadnezzar had defeated and captured Israel.  These Jewish royals were destined to become great advisers and leaders in Babylon.  Nebuchadnezzar had great plans for them.  As those of elite Israeli nobility, they were seen as assets to Babylon, and thus trained as such.

These jewish nobles didn't have a problem with that.  They did as they were told and submitted to the requirements placed on them by the Babylonian rulers.  As long as these requirements didn't compromise their faith in the one True God.  He was their number one priority, always.

When the Babylonian requirements conflicted with their Godly standards, they stood their ground.

Friends, I want to encourage you today, and with this series study through Daniel, that it is possible to work in and for a secular environment and yet still honour God.  And when you do, Grace will flow beyond what you thought was possible.

Christians face this challenge daily.  Trying one's best to remain faithful to the call of God all the while living in a secular world filled with dishonouring decisions and selfish choices.  It's not an easy challenge to overcome, but necessary if we are to fulfill our commission...  to make disciples of all nations.

In order to make disciples of all nations, we must impact all areas of society.  In order to impact all areas of society, we must immerse ourselves in those areas, get to know the leaders within them, and hopefully ourselves become the leaders within them in order to pioneer the way of God's design; a culture of honour and love.  Establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth.

The key to successfully overcoming this challenge is to keep God as first priority in our lives.
(It may sound a bit legalistic to you, but trust me, when you realise how good God is, and let His Love into your life, it is easier than you think!  Not to mention His Power that will flow through you!)

If, like Daniel, God is first priority in your life, you will find yourself standing your ground where others around you are succumbing to dishonouring choices.  And when you make those "quality decisions", the favour of God, already there because of Jesus, will be activated in your life.

For example, just by making the decision that you want to honour God with your finances will activate the favour of God!  You will attract God's favour to take you further than you ever imagined!  You will find yourself with better business deals than before, you will find yourself promoted to better positions, you will get meetings you wouldn't normally get.  All while your colleagues and competitors look on in bewilderment.  All because your choices and actions reflected that of what you believe.

Friends, when you act on your faith, that God is the one who looks after you, provides for you and promotes you, you will be raised up into positions of influence you never before imagined!

Rise up!  Take your place as princes and princesses of the Most High God!  And invade Babylon like Kingdom covert agents.

Friday, August 10, 2012

God Will Never Rebuke You Again!

Isaiah 54:9
To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth.  So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.

Do you feel like you have disappointed God?  Do you feel like there may have been things you should have done but you didn't, and thus you've created room for God to be unhappy with you in some way?  Maybe you made a mistake that you deeply regret, and you feel like God has every right to be angry with you.  You feel like you've rebelled against God.

My friend, if you ever feel that way, stop it!  Get that out of your thinking and renew your mind to the Truth of the Gospel!  The Gospel announces God's anger has been consumed at the Cross!

The Scripture tells us that His anger lasts for a moment but His Love endures a lifetime.  This verse clearly reveals that God will never be angry with us again, and neither will He ever rebuke us.  This sheds some clear light on the topic of God disciplining His children.  If He is never going to rebuke us again, His discipline cannot be a rebuke!

Friends, God can and will never be angry with you again!  He rebuked sin, its effects, and evil in the Body of Jesus Christ.  His anger was consumed and absorbed in the Body of Jesus, and because of that God is in such a good mood it is stunning!

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes and other such disasters are not God's anger being expended on mankind, but the groanings of a fallen planet longing for redemption.  God is in love with the world.  He so loved the world that He sent Jesus to save them.  God is not angry with them!  And neither is God angry with you!  God is happy with you!  God is deeply in love with you!  And the more you realize His Love for you, the more you will be transformed into His image.

Stop hiding from God today because you think He is angry with you, turn to Him, and allow His Love to transform you from the inside out.  He's not angry with you.  He Loves you.

Friday, August 3, 2012

How To Grow Your Faith

Romans 10:17
"Consequently, faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

We have been seeing lately that in order to walk in our inheritance as Christians and enter into everything God has for us, we need to do so by faith.  Without faith, not only is it "impossible to please God", but it is also impossible to step into the inheritance God has for us.

That may sound a bit harsh.  But before dropping your head and feeling like you're not worthy enough (please no!), remember that we have each already been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).  So it's not like you have no faith!  The point is to grow the portion of faith we have within our hearts.

Before I get into "how to grow your faith", let me answer some of you questioning "why it is impossible to step into our inheritance without faith".  Well, if you don't have some small ounce of belief that what you are about to do might just work, then you will never do it.  Every person who prays for a sick person has at least a tiny ounce of belief that the person might just get healed.  Every person who takes a risk on a business idea they believe God is leading them into does so because they believe, even slightly, that the idea really was from God and it might really just take off.  This is what faith is all about.  Our challenge is often countering unbelief, it is not necessarily that we don't have enough faith, it is that we have too much unbelief counteracting our faith.  But that is another topic.  Hopefully this paragraph has helped some of you shed some light on what faith actually is.

The topic I am addressing here is how to grow your faith.  Well, it is simple:  It is clearly laid out for us in this verse of Romans 10:17.  It comes by hearing the message of Christ.

Firstly, note that the verse says the Word of "Christ", not the "Word of God".  While I agree that the Word of God is our sustenance, I can also tell you many people who think they are preaching the "word of God" are actually preaching a legalistic message of condemnation.  This is where and why I am glad the Scripture differentiates it with the "Word of Christ".  Because the term points toward a hearing a message about our Saviour and what He has done for us.  The Good News.

My friend, if you want faith to go out and pray for the sick, to take business opportunities, to sow financially, etc...  Get your hands on Gospel-based materials!  Read brief encouragements like this, download Mp3 sermons from Gospel-centered churches, read books magnifying the Work of Jesus, read/listen to testimonies of what God has done for other people, watch DVDs or YouTube videos of Gospel-centered sermons and preachers.

Fill your life with the Word of Christ!  For It is our daily bread.  He is our daily bread.  When we consume Him, our faith cannot help but grow.  And when our faith grows, we will truly shine among the nations!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Glory and Grace 2012 Summary Recap

Glory and Grace 2012 was simply an incredible time.  God moved in so many of our lives, and we will truly never be the same again.  There are mighty things happening in the spirit realm, and as we turn our ear to Heaven, we will be aware of what to expect and prepare ourselves accordingly.  In this blog post, I am just going to highlight some of the stand-out points that the speakers made in order to recap on what was shared, and to provide a reference for you to remind yourself of what inspired you.

Here are some of the important points made and shared:

Session 1 - Wednesday evening - Rob Rufus
- God so loved the world He didn't send a Message, He sent a Person!
- Theology and doctrine can never replace the Glory of the Presence of God.
- True identity comes from a true vision of how God sees you.  We need revelation of this!
- How God saw you before time began is how God sees you today!
- We must learn in our identity not to fall into the trap of self-pity.
- If you keep reaching for more power deeper than the level you understand your identity, eventually you self-destruct.
- Nothing can stop your destiny when you see yourself the way God sees you!
- "Blessing" means "the empowerment to prosper"
- Untested faith is no faith at all.
- We must make the Gospel of Grace attractive by the lives we live and display to the world!
- Most of us have been trained from childhood to see ourselves negatively.

Unfortunately I was unable to take notes during Fini de Gersigny's Session 2.  You can download it on our sermons page:
The sermon is entitled:  "A call to spiritual fathers"

Session 3 - Thursday morning - Rob Rufus
- The Bride of Christ exists to change the culture of nations.
- Our business is to change the world, see the lost saved and to equip to change the world!
- Our weaknesses are an invitation for other people's strengths
- True service in the Kingdom must come out of a place of a secure heart
- The church has manu vision casters but not enough vision carriers
- "Your seed will dispossess cities!"  Abraham's promise from God.
- If cities do not dispossessed by the sons of God, He will be guilty of perjury.
- The Law condemns the best of us, Grace approves even the worst of us

Session 4 - Thursday Evening - Isi de Gersigny
- The voice of God is faster than the sound of reason
- Too many of us doubt what God has done in our lives because we think it was us who did it!
- God doesn't grieve the way we think He does, because He is not in time
- God doesn't need to change His mind about who you are
- Nothing is birthed without waters
- Creation recognises the sound of God
- When you agree with God you resonate with His reality and you start to manifest His Nature
- God is so worthy, that we will never run out of the desire to cry our how worthy He is!
- You can have as much revelation as you want to
- You can become as much revelation as you want to
- The greatest gift God ever gave us is the gift of hunger
- Prepare your kids for Heaven
- Revelation 5:8 - You are never worshipping alone
- The angels come from the Face of God and look for your voice, and they match it with THE Voice of God!
- Don't be intimidated by the Bible, God won't give you all 5 loaves at once!  He will give you the Truth of Manna and multiply it in you.
- When God reveals something to you, bury yourself in it.  Saturate yourself in it.  SAY IT!  Because when you say it, you create it!

Session 5 & 6 - Friday morning - Rob Rufus
1 Corinthians 1:17 - What empties the Cross of its Power?
- When you go back to Law, your faith stops completely!
- If you take the Law off people but you don't release them into faith you will have worse people!
- I don't just want the doctrine of faith, I want the spirit of faith!
- Galatians 3:12 - The Law empties the Cross of its Power
- Faith in the Power of God is unbelief in the wisdom of man
- A man hearing how He is the righteousness of God is not compatible with being stuck in sin

Session 7 - Friday evening - Rob Rufus
Mark 5:21
- Faith mobilises us to touch and engage the Power of God
- There is something very dangerous about passive self-pity
- You need 3 gifts to raise the dead:  1) Faith to do it. 2) Miracles to uncongeal the clotted blood etc. 3) Healing for whatever killed them in the first place.
- Faith cannot work with condemnation
- Faith is knowing you can receive good things from God that you don't deserve
- People say "I don't have time to meditate on God's Word".  Well, worrying is meditating on the demonic!
- "I'm not aggressive with people. I'm aggressive with the devil!"  Smith Wigglesworth
- Jesus didn't say "my anointing made you well", He said "your faith has made you well."
- Fear will make you run from God, faith will make you see God Face to Face
- Look at Mark 6:56, after the miracle of the woman with the issue of blood.  Her faith set a divine precedent for all to touch His cloak and be healed!

Friday, July 13, 2012

God Will Make Your Name Great - Like Abraham

Genesis 12:2
I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

Deep inside each and every one of us, there is a longing that our lives, or at least what our lives contributed to, made an impact on this world.  That is the destiny of God inside His children.  He created us with that longing.

Abraham was spoken something over him that I am sure would have galvanized every fibre of his being.  He was told that his name would be made great.  And He was told it by Almighty God.  What a promise!

Most believers today are weary of such a promise though, and understandably so, as they are careful not to chase fame, instead walk in Love and humility in serving the people of this world, much like Jesus did.  But Jesus' life was the most famous ever lived.  You see friends, if you walk in the purposes of God for your life, your name becoming great is inevitable.

You may ask how this promise to Abraham applies to us?  Well, Galatians 3:8 tells us that the Gospel that applies to us was announced to Abraham first, and the author is referring to this verse in Genesis 12 when God made this promise to Abraham.

You see, the Gospel is so life-transforming that it empowers what would have been average lives to become greatly significant.  So much so that our names will be remembered for ages to come.  That is the kind of impact we were created to make.

And of course, clearly it is all to "be a blessing".  Greatness is not without a purpose.  It is to be a blessing to the world.  To those around us.

Friends, we have been designed and created to make a significant impact on this world.  Not just an average one.  A significant one.  Believe God that His purposes for your life are great, step out in faith as you believe that, and watch as your greatness blessed many!

At the onset of our 3rd "Glory and Grace" conference 2012; I believe Highway Christian Community's name is destined for greatness.  I believe the plans that God has for us as a church are gigantic!  I believe God wants us to shape the very social economic structure of our country, and even Africa!  Such a conference is all part of God's plan to equip us to become the great people, and great fellowship of saints that He has destined us to be!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

How Good And Pleasant It Is When God's People Live Together In Unity! - Psalm 133

Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

We have heard this verse shared so often.  But I fear we don't apply this verse to enough areas in our lives in order to see the radical blessing God commands in verse 3...

"...there the LORD bestows His blessing..."

A stunning verse.  A majestic line.

Friends, we all disagree on something.  If you are married, you will know that you can have disagreements with the person you love the most!  You can even have disagreements with your own children!  Disagreements are common.  Because we are human and ever since eating of the "tree of knowledge of good & evil", we became incredible opinionated.

The unfortunate reality is that those opinions divided us.  But the good news today is that they don't have to!

Think of all the denominations in the world today.  How many different splinter groups have started because people disagreed with a simple opinion based on a perspective of Scriptural interpretation?  Far too many.  (I don't want to get into talking different denominations here, I just use them as an example.)

My point is that if we would simply look past our disagreements, we could be walking in unity, and therefore walking in greater numbers together, and thus walking in even greater blessing!  It is ok to disagree with someone.  This verse doesn't say "when brothers live in agreement".  It says "when brothers live in unity".  There's a difference.  You can live in unity with someone even if you disagree with them on somethings!  Hence my marriage illustration.

Friends, I want to encourage you today...  Disagreement is ok.  But be big enough to "agree to disagree" and walk in love with those who we call brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.  And let's watch as the blessing of God increases in measure over our lives and we make an even greater impact for the Kingdom of God!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Never Give Up On God's Faithfulness!

Isaiah 40:31
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

I am sure many of you have faced questions about God's ability or willingness to answer prayer at some point in your life.  Many of us have faced such questions recently, especially with the sudden passing of Zoe Grace Dunbar.  The tragedy came as a shock to all of us, and has brought the family of the church together in an incredible way to support, love and care for our dearest brother and sister Wade and Roxanne and their whole family.

In the midst of tragedies such as this, it is easy to point fingers at God.  And there is space to do so.  There were times when David cried out to God in ways many of us are afraid to do so.  Such tragedy drives that kind of emotion out.  And it is helpful to let it out.

But in this edition of the "encouragement", I want to encourage you all to never give up.  There have also been many people being afflicted with serious viral infections (like Chad and Dayna Parkes), others coming down with the flu and the list goes on.  It is clear we are under attack.  Friends, it is imperative in this time that we do not succumb to the lie of the enemy and abandon our faith in God's Goodness.

Our God is always good.  His Word declares it, and His Word is the highest authority for Truth.  The challenge is knowing this Truth but living in a seemingly different reality.  It is one of the biggest challenges living the Christian life faithfully; seeing what should be but experiencing a different reality.  (This is something I will hopefully touch on in my sermon on Sunday night).

My friend, as this verse declares, if you don't give up on hoping in the LORD, your strength will be renewed!  You will be given strength to face this life and rise on the wings of your Saviour.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray without giving up in Luke 18 when He told them of the parable of the persistant widow.  Friends, we too will not give up on the Goodness of our God!  He is Good!  Despite what our experiences tell us at this moment, our God is Good and His mercy endures forever!  And it is with this heart that we will encourage and offer our deepest love to people like Wade and Roxanne, and Trevor and Chan, and the many others we will come across who have faced such extreme trial.  Our hearts go out to you our amazing friends, we love you with all our hearts.

We will never give up.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Understanding God's Grace in All Its Truth

Colossians 1:6
All over the world this Gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's Grace in all its truth.

Reading through Colossians after Steve's recent series on the book, this verse jumped out at me.  Two powerful truths are revealed.  Firstly, the Gospel was bearing fruit all over the world and growing.

Think about this...  Before Paul arrived on the scene, Judaism and Greek mythology were probably the two most popular religions.  Within 300 years, Christianity had become the world's most believed upon faith.  How did that happen!?

Romans 1:16 gives us a good answer:  "The Gospel is the Power of God".  The Message of the Gospel is the most powerful message anyone can ever convey.  So powerful that it will spread like a wildfire naturally.  One only has to look at this worldwide "Grace revolution" we are in to see that.  People everywhere are coming into this revelation because the message is the Message of the Gospel!  Just this week I received an email from a lady in Cape Town who had been watching Joseph Prince's teachings on TBN every week and finally the revelation of Grace penetrated her heart and she started Googling "Grace" and came across "Highway to Grace".  She said her life has been completed transformed by this revelation.  Stories like this confirm the power of this Message.

Another side to the Gospel's power to bear fruit is not only in global understanding, but in personal growth.  This message is one that naturally produces faith in God's goodness.  If you find yourself still battling in a certain area, still feel like there are areas you need to adjust etc.  Be patient.  The seed of the Gospel that has penetrated your heart will start to germinate and produce some beautiful fruit!

Paul then goes on to say in the second half of this verse that the Gospel has borne fruit "since the day... you understood God's Grace in all its truth."  Notice that word "all"?  That's intriguing.  Could it be that it is possible to understand God's Grace in fractions of its truth?  Could it be that the more of its truth we grasp the more fruit we will see?

Friends, God's Grace is bigger and wider and more powerful than any of us will ever come to comprehend.  We never stop learning from it, and we never stop loving it.  Continue to soak yourself in New Covenant books and teachings and grow in your understanding of God's Grace.

Maybe like the woman in Cape Town that emailed me, you've heard the message of Grace so often but it hasn't had that much of an impact on you.  Don't stress.  Don't try to believe it.  Keep soaking yourself in it, and eventually this Powerful, World-changing Message will grip you so tightly that you will never be the same.

May you forever stay in the Rays of God's Glorious Grace.  And may you forever grow in your understanding of it!

Friday, June 1, 2012

2 Corinthians 8:9 
For you know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.

I heard a brilliant point about the poverty of Jesus a while ago...  If there was any king in the world who deserved to arrive in fanfare, the most prestigious palace and beautiful of settings, it was Jesus.  Jesus is the King of kings.  He created everything we see, and everything we don't see!  (Col. 1:16)  You would have expected His manifestation and birth on Earth to have been a bit more prestigious.

And yet, the Creator of all things arrived to one of the poorest families in Jerusalem, a family who couldn't even secure a room to stay in at the time of His birth.  And His first crib?  A bed of dirty straw where animals eat.  This doesn't sound like royalty at all does it?

This is the humility and security of our King.  In no way ever does He feel the need to show off His majesty and all-consuming power.  Ever.  The only time He did while on Earth was out of compassion.

It is an incredible thought!

But why?  Why would the King of all kings do such a thing?  Enter this world in such humility?  It baffles the reasoning mind.  You see, Jesus didn't need a thing to know His identity.  Jesus didn't need any external form of power or authority to know who He was and where He was from.  He also needed to show this world the power of the "other world", the Kingdom of Heaven.

But another incredible reason is that Jesus willfully chose not to have such wealth and riches and be born into hard-working poverty so that mankind could be redeemed from the slave-driving antics of the enemy!  Dictatorial leadership and slavery is a brainchild of satan.  Jesus came under it in order to redeem us from it!

Friends, Jesus gave up His riches for you and I!  He gave up His authority in this world so we could have it!  My friend, by the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, you have been redeemed to a position of royalty and authority!  Don't ever use this identity to wield power over others, it should be used to serve others.

If your heart only longs to glorify God and see His Kingdom established here on Earth, God will bless you to be a blessing!  God wants to bless the nations through you.  Thank Jesus that today you can access a life of success and blessing because Jesus gave up such a life.   Believe today the work of Jesus on your behalf, and begin to walk in His blessings.  Step by step, you will find yourself blessing more and more around you as you simply walk in who you are as a Royal child of the Creator!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near You

Luke 10:9
Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The Kingdom of God is near you.'

This passage of Scripture tells of when Jesus commission His followers to get out into the villages and release the Kingdom of God over them.  And this verse gives us some interesting insight...

What is interesting is that the sick being healed is directly related to the Kingdom of God being near.  This gives us a clear indication that there are two kingdoms at war, and based on what Jesus says, in one of these kingdoms sickness is rife, while the other's aim is to destroy sickness.  The good news is that we have been brought into the latter Kingdom.

Isn't it encouraging to know that the Kingdom of God is a kingdom that aims to overthrow sickness?  It is an encouraging thing to know that God does not send sickness, nor is it in His plans or purposes, because it is diametrically opposed to the Nature of His Kingdom.

Friends, God does not want you to be sick.  He wants you to be healed, well and better more than you do!  Why do you think Jesus sent the disciples to heal all who were sick!?

If you are sick, what you need is to get as close to where the Kingdom of God is in operation as possible. And even better news is that Jesus tells us that it is in us!  (Luke 17:21)  What we need to see more of is the Kingdom of God that is within us being released around us in order to see it overthrow the current kingdoms and governments.

If you are battling with anything that is not of the Kingdom of God; sickness, poverty, unforgiveness, condemnation, addictions, whatever it may be...  declare the Kingdom of God into that situation.  Declare that Jesus is Lord!  He is the King, and you are declaring that situation to come under the rulership of the King of Kings Jesus Christ, and you will see your salvation!  (Romans 10:9)

And if you are not seeing what you believe should be the desired results, don't give up!  Be persistent!  You may feel like you are losing the battle but Jesus has won the war!  Declare all out attack!  Get friends around you, faith-filled believers, go to your leaders, pastors, and keep declaring the Kingdom of God's rulership over that situation, and know that in God's Kingdom, there is healing for every situation.

Friday, May 18, 2012

God's Mercies Are New Everyday

Lamentations 3:22 - 24 (ESV)
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; (23) they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (24)  “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

We all have bad days, let's be honest with each other.  The reasons for having a bad day are innumerable, from having a taxi pull out in front of you in traffic on your way to work, to the passing away of a friend.  No matter the extreme, both can cause negative emotions leaving us feeling sad and down, sometimes even depressed.  Most of us would have experienced a spiral of emotions where one bad incident can spiral into a mini depression lasting even into the next day and sometimes even week.

But the writer of this verse identified 2 things that could counteract such a spiral of negative emotions.  1)  A new dawn means a fresh start.
2)  Appreciating God's mercy.
When you combine the 2 together, you have the perfect recipe for snapping out of an emotional breakdown of any kind.

Firstly, the simple act of sleeping and waking up a few hours later is like a filter for the brain.  All the bad stuff that was said and done the day before is often filtered out of our consciousness and we wake up with a clear mind.  Add to this the fact that a rising sun inspires most people to face a new day with passion, and already you have a great opportunity to forget the past.

Secondly, we need to realise that each new day provides a new opportunity for God to show His Mercy, Faithfulness, Love and Goodness.  Considering these aspects inspires the writer to worship (look at verse 24).  When we appreciate the small things each and every day, it will inspire worship within our hearts.  Worship helps us to be mindful of God, and being mindful of God gives one Supernatural Joy and Peace.  It is a perfect cycle.

So my friend, the next time you have a bad day, don't let your anger or emotion affect those around you (Eph. 4:26), but then get to bed and allow God's natural design of sleep clear your mind.  Wake up to the fresh smelling brew of a cup of tea or coffee, thankful that you have such a sensitive smell; look at the sun breaking through the clouds as it rises for another day, thankful that you can see it's beauty and feel it's warmth; and face the day knowing that God is good, and He has good things in store for you today.  Because He has, you just need to find them and take them.

The Lord truly is our portion, and our hope is in Him, because He is Good!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Law has been Summed Up

Galatians 5:14
The entire Law is summed up in a single command:  "Love your neighbor as yourself."

People who come into a supernatural revelation of the Grace of God often do so when they realise that they are no longer "under the Law", that the Law no longer applies to them, and they most certainly don't need to obey it perfectly in order to please God.  These are all powerful truths.  The only challenge is that often the very purpose the Law was given is disregarded.

People show throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you like.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am not advocating we start relooking at the Law and see what may be helpful for us to live good Christian lives, no, that is not what I am saying.  (Because if we did, we would become obsessed with keeping it, like the Israelites did).  What I am saying is that there is a purpose behind God giving the Law, and we should consider that purpose.  The purpose was that the Israelites would live in peace.

"World Peace".  This is one of the most common answers to the question "what is the one thing you would ask for if you could have anything in the world?"  It is engrained into our DNA that we were meant to live in peace and harmony with one another.  Why?  God designed us that way.

The point of the Law was Love.  Jesus came to show us that.  The Israelites priests of the day were keeping the Law outwardly and looked down upon anyone who didn't match up.  They were revered and respected almost as demi-gods, and had a strong hand of control of the people.  Jesus came and showed up what was in their hearts.  It wasn't Love.  They had become so obsessed with keeping the Law outwardly that they had no regard for the person behind the lawbreaker.

Kingdom justice is not about punishment, it is about restoration.  One only has to look at John 8 and the woman caught in adultery to see that.  Jesus came to show us that at the heart of God was not some megalomaniac dictator who wanted robotic lawkeepers, no, there was a heart of a Father who longed for nothing more than to see His children live in peace with each other.

Friends, today, remember, this is the heart of our faith.  Unconditional Love.  Let's remember this imperative Truth in our quest to see God's Kingdom come here on Earth.  The greatest manifestation of Heaven on Earth is peace between mankind.  Friends, it has been made possible through the Cross!

We know that we can never Love unconditionally unless we get a glimpse of God's unconditional Love for us.  (1 John 4:19)    Friends, have a look at the Great Love the Father has for you, and allow His Love to penetration every part of your heart and let it so overwhelm you that it oozes out of you to everyone you know, and everywhere you go.

Friday, April 20, 2012

There is NOTHING Like the Manifest Presence of God!

Exodus 33:14 - 16
The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Then Moses said to Him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.  How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us?  What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the Earth?"

As you may know, the context of this conversation between God and Moses is that God said to Moses that He will send them an Angel to lead them into the Promised Land from that point on, and no longer would He Himself go with them.

This is an interesting point to take note of.  While theoretically, we know that God is everywhere.  But He is not Manifest everywhere.  Much like water vapour is everywhere, it's strength and power is felt in stronger measures:  Water vapour, condensed water droplets, rain, a river, an ocean, the depths of an ocean.  You get the idea?  In the same way, the Presence of God is everywhere (like water vapour) but is felt in deeper measures where He chooses to Manifest Himself.

Moses didn't want the comfort of knowing God is everywhere all the time (omnipresent).  Nor was he even satisfied with the physical presence of Angel leading him!  (Most of us would have settled for that!)  Moses had already experienced something greater...  the Manifest Presence of God.  And He could no longer live without it.  If God's Manifest Presence was not going to go with the Israelites into the Promised Land, Moses would rather have the Israelites stay in the desert where His Manifest Presence was.

Friends, as children of God we have the privilege of knowing the direct connection to God Himself.  And when we tap into that, even our physical appearance will change!  (See 2 Corinthians 3:13 and 18!)  There is nothing like the experience of being touched by the Manifest Presence of God.  To be in a place where His Presence is there in Glory.  It is life-changing.

His Presence distinguishes us from other people.  His Presence makes us radiate.  His Presence brings joy.  His Presence brings peace.  People can see someone radiating the Presence of God, even unbelievers.

Friends, God wants us to be refreshed in His Presence.  God wants to Manifest Himself among us!  In our meetings, in our times of worship and prayer, in our homes, etc.  It is not a list of to-dos that He is after in order to come.  He is not waiting for us to clean ourselves up.  He is just looking for hunger.  Do you long for the Presence of God?

I don't know about you, I am not satisfied with a few songs and a well-worded prayer.  I want Him!  I want His Presence.  I long for a touch of the Manifest Presence of God!  I find if I haven't experienced His Presence for a period of time (sometimes this is a few days, sometimes a few weeks!), my heart starts to long for Him.  Like a thirst that comes out of nowhere, I start craving Him.  Often, that craving becomes so strong all it takes is one favourite song in the car and His Presence manifests.  That's the power of hunger.

If you don't have such a hunger, don't be condemned!  Next week we'll cover this in further detail.

Until then, may you experience the Presence of God in greater measures!  Especially this Sunday at the church gathering!

Friday, March 30, 2012

How To Change Your Heart

Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord;
He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.

This is an interesting verse.  I am not a hyper-sovereignty preacher, and I don't want to get into a "sovereignty of God" debate with any one as that is not what this article is all about.  What I would like to draw your attention to is the first line...  "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord".

If you ask me, that is some serious encouragement.  Why?  Well, God's desire is that all men act in Love toward one another to create a "near perfect" environment.  The issue, as we know, is that many people's hearts are in the wrong place.  They are motivated by fear, anger, hurt, disappointed instead of Love.

This verse encourages me because it says that God can work with hearts.  We know that the Gospel is a radical heart change.  But I believe even Christians can get a hard heart toward others, unfortunately.  As I am sure you have experienced!  So what is the key?

The key is the word "King".  Could it be that when a man or a woman recognise their value as a child of God, they automatically open a door for God to work on their hearts?  This means even Christians can have hearts closed off from God.  They believe and receive Jesus has atoned for their sins, but they haven't realised their value as Royalty, and so have parts of their heart that they haven't opened up to allow God to work on.

What am I saying?  All I am saying is that when we realise the value of who we are as children of God, it becomes a whole lot easier to allow God in and do some change on our hearts.

Friends, I have seen it.  Just this week I apprehended some boys who we caught stealing a cell phone.  I spoke with them and told them their value as children of God.  I saw their eyes change.  I saw them feel sorry for what they had done.  I didn't want a verbal apology, I wanted them to know in their hearts what they had done was wrong.  And I was blown away at how emphasising their value as Royal children of God opened up their hearts.

Friends, this is what we after!  True and deep heart change!  Not outward, external actions that may be empty, but change from the inside.  We can have that so easily the more we realise that we are Kings and Queens in the Royal Priesthood of God!  (Revelation 19:16 - we are the kings Jesus is King over! And 1 Peter 2:9)

I pray that Holy Spirit would reveal this Glorious Truth to you (and your friends and family), and that as He does so, your heart would open up to the King of kings to be worked on and be motivated by His unconditional Love.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Joshua 1:5
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
(6) “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them.

What a promise from God!  Wow.  Think about that for a second...  "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life."  No one.  Those are big words.  Nothing can come up against you!  It doesn't matter what you face, when you are walking in the purposes of God for your life, nothing can stand in your way.

Now, I know that the above phrase can cast a bit of doubt in people's hearts, and cause them to ask "how do I know I am walking in the purposes of God?"  Well, my answer to that is simple...  Jesus said to us in Matthew 6 that if we "seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness all these things will be added unto us."  I have a very basic rule of thumb in life, I ensure God is first in my life.  His Kingdom always comes first.  And I follow my heart after that.  He's in me, and I trust the decisions I make to be His when He is first!

Now, that's another topic altogether, but let me also just say, when you have a revelation that you are deeply Loved by the Creator of the Universe and are His Beloved Child, it is easy to make Him first.  And when He is first, you will walk in His purposes easier than you think!  And when walking in His purposes, nothing can stand up against you.

You may have pressures and difficulties, like Paul and Silas did in prison, you may face retrenchment or sickness, whatever the trial may be.  But God's Word is clear, it will not stand up against you.  It may intimidate, it may get in your way, but it cannot stand against you.  Eventually, it must and will be removed!

Your God will never leave you nor forsake you, He is with you always.  No matter what it is that you are facing right now, or have to face in the future, know that it cannot be victorious, and won't be victorious.  You may find yourself swimming out in the open seas after a shipwreck or stuck in jail like Paul was, or in a Lion's Den like Daniel, or being pursued by an enemy (Saul) like David...  But if you find the courage from this Message that your God will never leave you nor forsake you, and that it won't end this way, and you don't give up...  like them, you too will see victory!

Thought for the weekend:  Too many battles have been abandoned because the child of God didn't realise that the victory would be theirs if they didn't give up.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How To Please God - Part 2

Colossians 1:9 - 12
(PART 1 - Last week) ...we continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, (PART 2 - This week) being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

So we continue with this 2 part encouragement from this passage..  If you missed last week, visit the previous blog post.  Last week we looked at the fact that we need supernatural wisdom to know God's will for sure.  We also discussed how to live a life that pleases God (it is easier than we think!).  This week, we wrap it up with the final two points coming from this passage in Colossians 1...

3.  Strengthened
Most of us need strengthening.  Especially physically and emotionally.  When we are performing in the purposes Daddy has created us for, something is ignited in our bodies.  We feel refreshed.  We receive life.  This is what happens when we are stepping out in God's will!  It strengthens our very beings!

And if we are doing these things outside of normal working hours, or even in the midst of a tough season in life, they will help give us the patience to endure those tough times.  Whether it be until we get a new job, move into our "calling" full-time, or make it into a comfortable season.

4.  We HAVE been qualified!
Notice how Paul makes this statement in the past tense!  As children of God we have already been qualified through what Jesus did on our behalf.

That means that we have an inheritance.  In order to qualify to become the King of England, there needs to be a son in line.  We have become (even by blood!) children of the Great King and we are thus qualified to take our position in the Royal Kingdom!

And this inheritance is the Earth.  (Rom. 4:13).  The children of God were born to exude the Goodness and Character of God through everyday life in every area of society.  It is our inheritance.

You have already been qualified to enter into that inheritance.  So step into it!  The more Children of God that do, the more we will see transformation in this world.

Friday, March 9, 2012

How To Please God - Part 1

Colossians 1:9 - 12
(PART 1 - This week) ...we continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding,  so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way:  bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, (PART 2 - Next week)  being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

Over the next week, I'd like to use this stunning passage in Colossians to encourage you as you enter God's purposes more and more.  Using the above passage, I am going to highlight 4 points coming out of this passage that will help you.  We'll cover the first 2 today, and the second 2 next week.

1.  The Knowledge of God's will
Paul prays for us to be filled with the knowledge of God's will.  Interestingly, he goes on to say how that knowledge comes about...  through spiritual wisdom.  So the will of God is not an open book, unfortunately.  Due to the fall, we live in a world that has become corrupt and filled with challenges.  Due to the nature of this world, we need supernatural revelation to understand what God's will is.  In general, and for our lives.  To understand that it is always God's will to heal, that God does love you unconditionally despited what you've done etc. requires a supernatural revelation.  If you haven't had such a revelation as yet, I pray you would receive it soon!

2.  Living a life that pleases God
This is an interesting one and will get people caught up if they don't understand the Covenants clearly.  God is pleased with us already!  Notice that at the end of this verse Paul tells us that we are already qualified by Him!

So what is Paul talking about here, then?  It brings joy to Daddy's heart when we understand His will and His heart for mankind!

This is when we understand God's will in general.  But it also brings joy to Daddy's heart when we understand what His will is for our own lives.  When we begin to realise what He created us for.  When we begin to find our purpose in life.

Why does that please Him?  Because we will bear good fruit!  When you are performing tasks according to your divine purpose and destiny, you are the most effective you could ever be as a representative of Heaven!  Representing Heaven doesn't mean trying to preach at every moment you spend with a perceived "unbeliever".  Representing Heaven means people seeing Joy, Peace, Love and Righteousness emitting from your life!  That is a living testimony!  A living epistle.

God wants you to naturally bear fruit.  And when you are doing the things He has created you to do, it will be as natural as breathing.  Whether it is teaching others how to Scuba Dive, coaching your son's Soccer Team, leading a Cell Group, going on a Mission Trip, cooking a meal, mothering a child, presenting a Business Deal, just about anything could be labeled as God's purpose.  The key is finding what it is He has created you to do!

To be continued next week with Part 2...

Friday, March 2, 2012

God Wants To Lead You To Smooth Roads

Jeremiah 31:9
I will lead them beside streams of water, on a level path where they will not stumble.

God wants to lead you to where you are refreshed and the road ahead of you is smooth.  I am sure you would agree with me that a rocky road with potholes, sharp curves and large bumps is conducive to a runner stumbling once or twice.  God clearly doesn't want His children stumbling along their way.  This means He will lead us along paths that aren't conducive to stumbling!

What is this road?  Well, it could be symbolic of many things.  But the closest symbol would be the road of our lives.  The lives we live, the paths we take, in fulfilling our purpose here on Earth.  God wants the road of our lives to be smooth.  And He will lead us along roads that ensure that smooth ride.

Does this mean that life won't have any challenges?  No, of course not.  But it does mean that God's will is to help get through those challenges or even avoid them as much as possible.  That is His heart for us.

We also need to consider here that God wants to leads us away from situations that could trip us up in our walk as His children.  God is leading us all to a place where we will not stumble!  That is a significant thought!  God is the one who is doing this!  He will lead us to a place where we do not stumble.  That is clearly what this verse is telling us.

He also wants to keep us refreshed with streams of Living Water.  He doesn't want us living fast-paced, stressed out lifestyles.  He wants us to live from rest and drinking from the Fountain of His Refreshing Presence.  He is right there, each and every day, in our cars, in our offices, at home, waiting for us to take a drink and enjoy His Presence.  Clear our minds and turn our affections toward Him, that we operate from a place of refreshing.

Also, you may be interested to note that this verse is in the same passage that announces the New Covenant only a few verses on!  (verses 31 onwards)  Friends, the promises in this verse outline significant promises for the child of God living under the New Covenant.

Your Father wants to lead you to a place where you will not stumble and where you drink from His refreshing Presence.  Place your life in His hands, and let Him take you there.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Will and Nature of God is Revealed in Jesus

Hebrews 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God's Glory and the exact representation of His Being...

Many people are confused at God's nature and His will.  They battle to reconcile a seemingly vengeful and wrathful God of the Old Testament with a God who is revealed as good, kind and loving in the New Testament.  Which one is it?

Well, nowhere else in Scripture are we given a clue as to what the exact representation of God's nature is.  Hebrews 1:3 is the only reference.  The exact blueprint of God and His nature is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ.  Anything else reveals aspects and parts of His nature, locked up in mystery waiting to be revealed.  But Jesus presents the clearest picture of all of what God is like, revealing a full and gloriously clear picture of our Father in Heaven!

Think about it...  nowhere in the Old Testament is God revealed as a Father.  Only Jesus introduces God as our Father.  This is revolutionary!  And that is why we must study the nature and being of Jesus carefully, because when we see what Jesus is like, we know what God is like.

From the writings of the apostles, we know that Jesus...

-  Is full of Grace and Truth  (John 1:14)
-  Loved first and never accused the fallen  (John 8:11)
-  Is a friend of sinners  (Matthew 9:10 - 12)
-  Healed all who were sick  (Matthew 8:16 and Acts 10:38)
-  Revealed God as a passionate, dancing, running Father  (Luke 15:20)
-  Came to bring more than just life, but Life Abundant!  (John 10:10)
-  Etc. etc. etc.

Friends, we all know the exploits and amazing works of Jesus.  It is absolutely imperative that we transfer that knowledge of what He did to a revelation of what God is like.  God is way better than we could ever imagine!

If you find yourself getting caught up over seeming discrepancies in Scripture, don't get stressed or anxious.  Ask Holy Spirit to help you in understanding them.  Ask friends or leaders for their perspective.  And rest in the Truth that it is the Person of Jesus who gives us the clearest picture of what God our Father is like.

Jesus came to reveal that God is in a good mood, all the time!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Discover Your Gift, Practice Your Gift, Use Your Gift!

1 Corinthians 12:27 - 31 
Now you are the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.  And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.  Are all apostles?  Are all prophets?  Are all teachers?  Do all work miracles?  Do all have gifts of healing?  Do all speak in tongues?  Do all interpret?  But eagerly desire the greater gifts.

It was great to listen to Steve Pilbrough on Sunday morning and evening share his heart about serving in the church, and expound on some of the teachings in Scripture about using our gifts.  Steve has been with us at Highway for almost a year now, and he has a deep passion to see two things happen; 1) leaders released to do what God has called them to do and not be distracted with every small job that needs to make church happen; and 2) to see people get involved in the life of the local church by using their gift.  Because of his great passion for these two areas, we thought it would be great for Steve himself to share his thoughts on the subject.  If you missed Sunday night's sermon, you can download it off our Sermons Website by clicking this link.  (The sermon will be up by Wednesday 22 Feb).

I want to follow up with Steve Pilbrough's teaching with a few thoughts on the subject.  Incredibly, the elders have just come back from a week in Johannesburg with Paul Manwaring, one of the pastors at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where his heart is also to see the church operating in its fullness by it being administered and stewarded correctly.  In a nutshell, Paul Manwaring's message is that every great move of God needs to be facilitated and administered by those with a gift of administration, otherwise it cannot be sustained.  But!  If those administers don't have a heart for or haven't encountered the Power of God, then they will build dry structures that limit that move of God!

Bottomline?  We need everyone to be operating in what God has called them to do!

When we do this, we will truly be the greatest and best run organisation on the planet.  And that is how it should be!

Now, I don't want to talk too much about the gift of administration here today.  My aim for today's devotional is to encourage each of us to find our gift and use it!

Here's the thing...  We have an incredible church!  And we are in the midst of a worldwide revolution.  We really are.  The Gospel of Grace is raging like a Holy Wild Fire all over the world, and we are constantly getting emails from people wanting to know more.  Highway Christian Community has become a hub of resources for people to grow in their revelation of who God is and who He has made them to be.  And for this local house to continue its mission, we need all the gifts to be operating.

Now, there are many gifts listed in the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament and Paul's writings.  The primary passages are Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (as highlighted here today) and Ephesians 4:11 - 12.

Each passage highlights different gifts, some overlap, some are exclusive to that passage.  It is important that we don't get too worked up as to what exact gift we are or box ourselves into one specific gift.  God doesn't like boxes.  But what is important is that we practice what we do find interest in.

Usually, the gifts that catch our eye when reading them in Scripture or interest us are the ones that we naturally operate in.  (This is of course just a guide).

Now, I want to encourage you, as the title of this devotional says...  Find your gift, practice your gift and use your gift.  If you don't know what you're gifted in, ask some friends for perspective.  Or ask Holy Spirit to reveal it to you as you list them from the above verses.

Practice them.  Step out in cell group or at Sunday meetings (on the mic or one on one - Remember, if your word doesn't get released on the mic, don't get discouraged!  It may be for another time or another person).  If you battle at first, don't give up.  That's why we have to practice!  That's how we grow.

Once you feel comfortable with a gift that you feel God has given you, keep using it!  God gave it to you to be used!  Don't sit on it.  People could be missing out on a blessing.

And finally, if you're not sure where or how you fit in, just get stuck in anywhere!  What is absolutely imperative is that sons and daughters in the Kingdom get raised up.  And just like in a normal family, when a child is young, it helps around the house wherever it can.  But when it is older, it studies a specific subject and gets a job in that specific field.

We should all see our church as our family, and we have a job to do in contributing to this worldwide revolution, and while we may not be established in our own gift yet, we can help get the bigger picture done now by making ourselves available!

Friday, February 10, 2012

In Honour of Richard Baasch

2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18
Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

This week, along with his own family and friends, the family of Highway lost a precious friend.  Richard Baasch passed away on the morning of Tuesday 7 February 2012 peacefully.  This post is dedicated to, and inspired by, Richard.  May what our Heavenly Father has placed on my heart today inspired by Richard's life inspire you in whatever it is that you have faced in this life, or are facing right now.

Some of you may not know Richard, but many of you will.  Either way, he is been a faithful and joyful member of the Highway family for almost two decades, and his presence will be missed among us.  The challenges that he faced and the way in which he faced and overcame them are well worth dedicating this post to.

Richard was commonly seen in the front rows of the church, walking to them before the service began using his walking aide.  For those that don't know, Richard has battled to walk ever since he was hit by a car in his matric year about four decades ago.  Many said he should've died, but through constant prayer and the declaration of God's Life throughout his life, he overcame every challenge possible to lead as normal a life as possible.

Obviously, when one has a deep conviction from Scripture that God wants people physically well and healthy, it is difficult to see others (especially friends and family) in pain or battle in this life.  I don't believe we should ever stop praying, or accept it as God's will (Scripture is too overwhelming to do that) but we also recognise that there is the reality of trials when living in a fallen world.  (Bill Johnson says that these are the sufferings the Bible talks about in Scripture - the tension of knowing the Truth of God's Word verse the facts that we often face everyday).

And this is why I have highlighted this passage here today...  The more we know the Truth of what is happening (and has happened) to us in the Spiritual Realm, the more hope we get.  These momentary troubles associated with this fallen world are seen by God, and I am convinced they will be comforted and honoured by Him when we see Him in His fullness!  The Father will remember those trials we went through, and He will encourage us beyond what we could ever imagine. This is a Glorious Day to look forward to!

I am very careful to highlight the fact that all the Glory of the God is reserved for that day in the future, because I think the church for too long has put off so many of the Promises of God for the future.  While I believe the revelation of the Fullness of the Glory of God is a Day well worth looking forward to, I also believe a lot more of God's Promises are available now than we realise!

But it is in times like these that we turn to the Truth that some of our best days are on the other side of this life.  And how happy I am sure Richard would be about that!  It was this Hope that kept him going.  And it is his example that we can take encouragement from.

When we realise the Love of our Father, and what He will do for us on the other side of this life for the challenges we have faced, it will inspire and encourage us to get through anything!  We can receive the trials that we face today with a confidence that God sees them, and won't forget them.  Our Loving Father will never forget what we went through!

So friends, I want to encourage you and remind you today...  what awaits us on the other side of this often troubled life is a Life free from all pain, sorrow and grief!  What a Hope we have!  What a Day to look froward to!

Like Richard, may this Truth inspire you to face your trials head-on and with joy!  Knowing your Dad won't let you down!

Richard Baasch, thank you for the inspiration that your life was.  We will always remember it.  We look forward to seeing you in Glory.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Look To The Source of Radiance

Psalm 34:5
Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

You can tell a lot about people by the expressions on their faces.  You can tell if they are going through a tough time, having a bad day, having a good day or just generally happy.  God set it up that way.  Our faces tell so much about how we are feeling.

Now God has also set up a way for you to always release His Presence no matter what your circumstances are.  You see, most people's emotions are based on their circumstances.  The immediate situation they are in affects their moods, and thus the very expressions on their faces.

God wants you to remain at peace no matter what you are going through.  This can be very difficult, I know.  But learning to control our emotions as Christians is key to impacting the world around us.  Now, when I say control our emotions, I am not talking with our own willpower.  I am talking about handing your circumstances over to Jesus, and drawing your peace from Him.

And this is exactly what this verse is saying.  When we look to God, who is so Good, Beautiful, Glorious and full of Love for us, something in us begins to change.  And this change even affects our expression.  When we look to Him, our faces begin to radiate.  And this is more than just a big smile, the Glory of God radiates from our faces.  Our happy faces carry more than a smile, they carry their very Glory of God!

I want to encourage you today friends...  No matter what you are going through, no matter what you face, look up to your Saviour.  Lift your head and look to your Father.  Worship Him.  See His Glory.  Ask Him to show you His Glory.  Whenever you get the chance.  And when you do, your face will begin to radiate with His Glory.  People will see with their own eyes the difference about you.  And they will want it.

Friday, January 27, 2012

You Have Been Qualified To Do Great Things!

Colossians 1:10 - 12
And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His Glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light.

Many people today are afraid to step out in faith for God to move because they subconsciously feel like that just aren't good enough.  They aren't at "that level" yet.  But the Scripture tells us something otherwise, and we must remember the Truth revealed in Scripture is a far higher authority than our experience.

My friend, you are qualified.  Already.  Past tense.  God qualified you to share in the inheritance of all the saints of the Kingdom!!  What is that inheritance?  Well, technically, it is the Earth.  On a number of occasions in Scripture, God promises that is the saints that will inherit the Earth.

Now, I am not going to get technical and go into what that exactly entails or how that works out.  But if we are to inherit the Earth, we have to start somewhere.  And as I so often mention, that means pushing the forces of darkness back with the invading Power of the Kingdom of Light.

So many times we have heard before that our commission is to bring Heaven to Earth.  That's because it is true.  We have the Kingdom of God inside us, and we have been qualified to release it.

You don't need to wait until you are more holy, have more power, or know how to operate in power before you actually do those things!  You have already been qualified to administer the Kingdom of Heaven!

Stop waiting, stop delaying, take your chances!  Make the most of every opportunity!  And declare the Kingdom of Heaven in every situation you are privileged to have the opportunity to do so.

Practically, if someone tells you that they aren't feeling so great or they're going through a rough time after you've asked them how they're doing; then instead of saying "shame"...  simply put your hand on their shoulder and declare the Kingdom of Heaven over them.  Release Heaven into their situation.  Release health, bind sickness.  Release provision, bind the enemy's robbery.  Release supernaturally open doors of opportunity.  Release joy, bind depression.  These are the "good works" and the "fruit" and "pleasing the Lord" that these verses above are talking about.

It's as easy as that!  You are a child of Heaven!  Decree on behalf of the King!  Because you have been qualified.

Friday, January 20, 2012

You Change The Atmosphere!

Luke 11:20
But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you.

By saying this, Jesus was highlighting what the work of God was about and why He came.  The Earth for too long has been riddled with demonic influence causing depression, hatred and poverty.  And He came to push that demonic influence right back, and begin the establishment of a New Order.  His Order, the Order of the Kingdom.

When Jesus rose from the dead, His disciples were convinced that He was going to restore the Earth back to its former glory and establish God's Kingdom once and for all.  After all, He was the very Son of God!  The Messiah!  Surely He had accomplished what was now required?  But Jesus had other plans...

He left them.

He said to the disciples that they were now to carry on the Work He started and extend the Kingdom of God wherever they went, and He would send them the Holy Spirit to empower and help them in this supernatural task.

You see friends, many Christians today have similar mindsets to the disciples before His ascension (Acts 1:6).  They expect and hope that when Jesus returns He will sort everything out, thereby absolving any responsibility.  But what they don't realise is that He came to redeem mankind back to their position of authority on the planet so that they could continue His work of establishing His Kingdom.

Friends, you have been commissioned and empowered to change the atmosphere around you!  You have the Kingdom of God inside you (Luke 17:21), and that is a very different kingdom to the kingdom of this world that is still suffering from the influence of satan.  Your objective is to change the atmosphere around you, and be part of God's priesthood that establishes His Kingdom here on Earth.

Maybe it is at home, where there are hurts, disappointments, anger?  Maybe it is in the work place, where there is jealousy, corruption and pride?  Maybe it is at school.  Even at a restaurant!  Maybe one of your friends are sick?  Declare with your mouth (Proverbs 18:21) the Life of God into those situations.  Release the anointing of God's Presence over them, and command the darkness to leave and submit to the Light and Kingdom of God.  You will be surprised what you will begin to see happen in and around your life.

We need to live this life with the awareness of who we are and what we have been commissioned with, and when our mindsets change to such an outlook, the Kingdom will grow at an exponential rate!

Try it, it's much easier than you think!  You have been qualified!  (Colossians 1:12)