Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near You

Luke 10:9
Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The Kingdom of God is near you.'

This passage of Scripture tells of when Jesus commission His followers to get out into the villages and release the Kingdom of God over them.  And this verse gives us some interesting insight...

What is interesting is that the sick being healed is directly related to the Kingdom of God being near.  This gives us a clear indication that there are two kingdoms at war, and based on what Jesus says, in one of these kingdoms sickness is rife, while the other's aim is to destroy sickness.  The good news is that we have been brought into the latter Kingdom.

Isn't it encouraging to know that the Kingdom of God is a kingdom that aims to overthrow sickness?  It is an encouraging thing to know that God does not send sickness, nor is it in His plans or purposes, because it is diametrically opposed to the Nature of His Kingdom.

Friends, God does not want you to be sick.  He wants you to be healed, well and better more than you do!  Why do you think Jesus sent the disciples to heal all who were sick!?

If you are sick, what you need is to get as close to where the Kingdom of God is in operation as possible. And even better news is that Jesus tells us that it is in us!  (Luke 17:21)  What we need to see more of is the Kingdom of God that is within us being released around us in order to see it overthrow the current kingdoms and governments.

If you are battling with anything that is not of the Kingdom of God; sickness, poverty, unforgiveness, condemnation, addictions, whatever it may be...  declare the Kingdom of God into that situation.  Declare that Jesus is Lord!  He is the King, and you are declaring that situation to come under the rulership of the King of Kings Jesus Christ, and you will see your salvation!  (Romans 10:9)

And if you are not seeing what you believe should be the desired results, don't give up!  Be persistent!  You may feel like you are losing the battle but Jesus has won the war!  Declare all out attack!  Get friends around you, faith-filled believers, go to your leaders, pastors, and keep declaring the Kingdom of God's rulership over that situation, and know that in God's Kingdom, there is healing for every situation.

Friday, May 18, 2012

God's Mercies Are New Everyday

Lamentations 3:22 - 24 (ESV)
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; (23) they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (24)  “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

We all have bad days, let's be honest with each other.  The reasons for having a bad day are innumerable, from having a taxi pull out in front of you in traffic on your way to work, to the passing away of a friend.  No matter the extreme, both can cause negative emotions leaving us feeling sad and down, sometimes even depressed.  Most of us would have experienced a spiral of emotions where one bad incident can spiral into a mini depression lasting even into the next day and sometimes even week.

But the writer of this verse identified 2 things that could counteract such a spiral of negative emotions.  1)  A new dawn means a fresh start.
2)  Appreciating God's mercy.
When you combine the 2 together, you have the perfect recipe for snapping out of an emotional breakdown of any kind.

Firstly, the simple act of sleeping and waking up a few hours later is like a filter for the brain.  All the bad stuff that was said and done the day before is often filtered out of our consciousness and we wake up with a clear mind.  Add to this the fact that a rising sun inspires most people to face a new day with passion, and already you have a great opportunity to forget the past.

Secondly, we need to realise that each new day provides a new opportunity for God to show His Mercy, Faithfulness, Love and Goodness.  Considering these aspects inspires the writer to worship (look at verse 24).  When we appreciate the small things each and every day, it will inspire worship within our hearts.  Worship helps us to be mindful of God, and being mindful of God gives one Supernatural Joy and Peace.  It is a perfect cycle.

So my friend, the next time you have a bad day, don't let your anger or emotion affect those around you (Eph. 4:26), but then get to bed and allow God's natural design of sleep clear your mind.  Wake up to the fresh smelling brew of a cup of tea or coffee, thankful that you have such a sensitive smell; look at the sun breaking through the clouds as it rises for another day, thankful that you can see it's beauty and feel it's warmth; and face the day knowing that God is good, and He has good things in store for you today.  Because He has, you just need to find them and take them.

The Lord truly is our portion, and our hope is in Him, because He is Good!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Law has been Summed Up

Galatians 5:14
The entire Law is summed up in a single command:  "Love your neighbor as yourself."

People who come into a supernatural revelation of the Grace of God often do so when they realise that they are no longer "under the Law", that the Law no longer applies to them, and they most certainly don't need to obey it perfectly in order to please God.  These are all powerful truths.  The only challenge is that often the very purpose the Law was given is disregarded.

People show throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you like.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am not advocating we start relooking at the Law and see what may be helpful for us to live good Christian lives, no, that is not what I am saying.  (Because if we did, we would become obsessed with keeping it, like the Israelites did).  What I am saying is that there is a purpose behind God giving the Law, and we should consider that purpose.  The purpose was that the Israelites would live in peace.

"World Peace".  This is one of the most common answers to the question "what is the one thing you would ask for if you could have anything in the world?"  It is engrained into our DNA that we were meant to live in peace and harmony with one another.  Why?  God designed us that way.

The point of the Law was Love.  Jesus came to show us that.  The Israelites priests of the day were keeping the Law outwardly and looked down upon anyone who didn't match up.  They were revered and respected almost as demi-gods, and had a strong hand of control of the people.  Jesus came and showed up what was in their hearts.  It wasn't Love.  They had become so obsessed with keeping the Law outwardly that they had no regard for the person behind the lawbreaker.

Kingdom justice is not about punishment, it is about restoration.  One only has to look at John 8 and the woman caught in adultery to see that.  Jesus came to show us that at the heart of God was not some megalomaniac dictator who wanted robotic lawkeepers, no, there was a heart of a Father who longed for nothing more than to see His children live in peace with each other.

Friends, today, remember, this is the heart of our faith.  Unconditional Love.  Let's remember this imperative Truth in our quest to see God's Kingdom come here on Earth.  The greatest manifestation of Heaven on Earth is peace between mankind.  Friends, it has been made possible through the Cross!

We know that we can never Love unconditionally unless we get a glimpse of God's unconditional Love for us.  (1 John 4:19)    Friends, have a look at the Great Love the Father has for you, and allow His Love to penetration every part of your heart and let it so overwhelm you that it oozes out of you to everyone you know, and everywhere you go.