Saturday, September 29, 2012

Daniel 6 - Distinguish Yourself From The Rest

This devotional is based on a sermon James Preston preached on Sunday 16 September - You can download it here:  "NO FEAR OF HUNGRY LIONS"

Daniel 6:3
Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 

Daniel had exceptional qualities.  For a number of reasons which I won't get into right now.  Did you know that, like Daniel, you have exceptional qualities?  In case you didn't know that, you do now!

As a Christian you have exceptional qualities that make you different to everyone else.  You are a New Creation who has passed from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.  You radiate Christ!  You are different in every way.

But I want you to notice something...  the verse opens up with Daniel "distinguishing himself".  You see, Daniel had the exceptional qualities, but he still had to use them in order to distinguish himself.

As Christians, we all have exceptional qualities, but the responsibility lies with us in order to use those qualities to distinguish ourselves.  We don't become worldchangers by osmosis!  Noah built an Ark.  Abraham went.  David met Goliath's challenge.  You get the picture.

Friends, this is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25:21 when he encouraged us to be faithful with the few things.  When we start being faithful with what we have been given as children of God (more than just a few things!) then we will start to activate the favour of God over our lives and see abundant blessings poured into our lives.  The abundant blessings will not pour out of nowhere if we are passively sitting waiting for things to happen!

We have the ability to distinguish ourselves from all others around us; other leaders, co-workers, business-people, politicians, etc. and when we do make conscious decisions to walk in the fullness of our identity, we will naturally distinguish ourselves from the rest.

How can you be faithful with the little?  How can you distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd?  Here are a few practical areas where you could start right now:

  • Be submitted
  • Always positive attitude
  • Offer solutions
  • Do the work you have been given to the best of your ability
  • (Paul said 'do everything as though unto the Lord' – Col 3:23)
  • Be honest – no matter what
  • Look to help others, not yourself – Considering others always

These are just a few "handles" with which Holy Spirit can help you grab onto as you pursue the inheritance God has planned for you as a child of God!

You are favoured!  You are exceptional!  Now distinguish yourself by using that favour!