Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Will and Nature of God is Revealed in Jesus

Hebrews 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God's Glory and the exact representation of His Being...

Many people are confused at God's nature and His will.  They battle to reconcile a seemingly vengeful and wrathful God of the Old Testament with a God who is revealed as good, kind and loving in the New Testament.  Which one is it?

Well, nowhere else in Scripture are we given a clue as to what the exact representation of God's nature is.  Hebrews 1:3 is the only reference.  The exact blueprint of God and His nature is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ.  Anything else reveals aspects and parts of His nature, locked up in mystery waiting to be revealed.  But Jesus presents the clearest picture of all of what God is like, revealing a full and gloriously clear picture of our Father in Heaven!

Think about it...  nowhere in the Old Testament is God revealed as a Father.  Only Jesus introduces God as our Father.  This is revolutionary!  And that is why we must study the nature and being of Jesus carefully, because when we see what Jesus is like, we know what God is like.

From the writings of the apostles, we know that Jesus...

-  Is full of Grace and Truth  (John 1:14)
-  Loved first and never accused the fallen  (John 8:11)
-  Is a friend of sinners  (Matthew 9:10 - 12)
-  Healed all who were sick  (Matthew 8:16 and Acts 10:38)
-  Revealed God as a passionate, dancing, running Father  (Luke 15:20)
-  Came to bring more than just life, but Life Abundant!  (John 10:10)
-  Etc. etc. etc.

Friends, we all know the exploits and amazing works of Jesus.  It is absolutely imperative that we transfer that knowledge of what He did to a revelation of what God is like.  God is way better than we could ever imagine!

If you find yourself getting caught up over seeming discrepancies in Scripture, don't get stressed or anxious.  Ask Holy Spirit to help you in understanding them.  Ask friends or leaders for their perspective.  And rest in the Truth that it is the Person of Jesus who gives us the clearest picture of what God our Father is like.

Jesus came to reveal that God is in a good mood, all the time!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Discover Your Gift, Practice Your Gift, Use Your Gift!

1 Corinthians 12:27 - 31 
Now you are the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.  And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.  Are all apostles?  Are all prophets?  Are all teachers?  Do all work miracles?  Do all have gifts of healing?  Do all speak in tongues?  Do all interpret?  But eagerly desire the greater gifts.

It was great to listen to Steve Pilbrough on Sunday morning and evening share his heart about serving in the church, and expound on some of the teachings in Scripture about using our gifts.  Steve has been with us at Highway for almost a year now, and he has a deep passion to see two things happen; 1) leaders released to do what God has called them to do and not be distracted with every small job that needs to make church happen; and 2) to see people get involved in the life of the local church by using their gift.  Because of his great passion for these two areas, we thought it would be great for Steve himself to share his thoughts on the subject.  If you missed Sunday night's sermon, you can download it off our Sermons Website by clicking this link.  (The sermon will be up by Wednesday 22 Feb).

I want to follow up with Steve Pilbrough's teaching with a few thoughts on the subject.  Incredibly, the elders have just come back from a week in Johannesburg with Paul Manwaring, one of the pastors at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where his heart is also to see the church operating in its fullness by it being administered and stewarded correctly.  In a nutshell, Paul Manwaring's message is that every great move of God needs to be facilitated and administered by those with a gift of administration, otherwise it cannot be sustained.  But!  If those administers don't have a heart for or haven't encountered the Power of God, then they will build dry structures that limit that move of God!

Bottomline?  We need everyone to be operating in what God has called them to do!

When we do this, we will truly be the greatest and best run organisation on the planet.  And that is how it should be!

Now, I don't want to talk too much about the gift of administration here today.  My aim for today's devotional is to encourage each of us to find our gift and use it!

Here's the thing...  We have an incredible church!  And we are in the midst of a worldwide revolution.  We really are.  The Gospel of Grace is raging like a Holy Wild Fire all over the world, and we are constantly getting emails from people wanting to know more.  Highway Christian Community has become a hub of resources for people to grow in their revelation of who God is and who He has made them to be.  And for this local house to continue its mission, we need all the gifts to be operating.

Now, there are many gifts listed in the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament and Paul's writings.  The primary passages are Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (as highlighted here today) and Ephesians 4:11 - 12.

Each passage highlights different gifts, some overlap, some are exclusive to that passage.  It is important that we don't get too worked up as to what exact gift we are or box ourselves into one specific gift.  God doesn't like boxes.  But what is important is that we practice what we do find interest in.

Usually, the gifts that catch our eye when reading them in Scripture or interest us are the ones that we naturally operate in.  (This is of course just a guide).

Now, I want to encourage you, as the title of this devotional says...  Find your gift, practice your gift and use your gift.  If you don't know what you're gifted in, ask some friends for perspective.  Or ask Holy Spirit to reveal it to you as you list them from the above verses.

Practice them.  Step out in cell group or at Sunday meetings (on the mic or one on one - Remember, if your word doesn't get released on the mic, don't get discouraged!  It may be for another time or another person).  If you battle at first, don't give up.  That's why we have to practice!  That's how we grow.

Once you feel comfortable with a gift that you feel God has given you, keep using it!  God gave it to you to be used!  Don't sit on it.  People could be missing out on a blessing.

And finally, if you're not sure where or how you fit in, just get stuck in anywhere!  What is absolutely imperative is that sons and daughters in the Kingdom get raised up.  And just like in a normal family, when a child is young, it helps around the house wherever it can.  But when it is older, it studies a specific subject and gets a job in that specific field.

We should all see our church as our family, and we have a job to do in contributing to this worldwide revolution, and while we may not be established in our own gift yet, we can help get the bigger picture done now by making ourselves available!

Friday, February 10, 2012

In Honour of Richard Baasch

2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18
Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

This week, along with his own family and friends, the family of Highway lost a precious friend.  Richard Baasch passed away on the morning of Tuesday 7 February 2012 peacefully.  This post is dedicated to, and inspired by, Richard.  May what our Heavenly Father has placed on my heart today inspired by Richard's life inspire you in whatever it is that you have faced in this life, or are facing right now.

Some of you may not know Richard, but many of you will.  Either way, he is been a faithful and joyful member of the Highway family for almost two decades, and his presence will be missed among us.  The challenges that he faced and the way in which he faced and overcame them are well worth dedicating this post to.

Richard was commonly seen in the front rows of the church, walking to them before the service began using his walking aide.  For those that don't know, Richard has battled to walk ever since he was hit by a car in his matric year about four decades ago.  Many said he should've died, but through constant prayer and the declaration of God's Life throughout his life, he overcame every challenge possible to lead as normal a life as possible.

Obviously, when one has a deep conviction from Scripture that God wants people physically well and healthy, it is difficult to see others (especially friends and family) in pain or battle in this life.  I don't believe we should ever stop praying, or accept it as God's will (Scripture is too overwhelming to do that) but we also recognise that there is the reality of trials when living in a fallen world.  (Bill Johnson says that these are the sufferings the Bible talks about in Scripture - the tension of knowing the Truth of God's Word verse the facts that we often face everyday).

And this is why I have highlighted this passage here today...  The more we know the Truth of what is happening (and has happened) to us in the Spiritual Realm, the more hope we get.  These momentary troubles associated with this fallen world are seen by God, and I am convinced they will be comforted and honoured by Him when we see Him in His fullness!  The Father will remember those trials we went through, and He will encourage us beyond what we could ever imagine. This is a Glorious Day to look forward to!

I am very careful to highlight the fact that all the Glory of the God is reserved for that day in the future, because I think the church for too long has put off so many of the Promises of God for the future.  While I believe the revelation of the Fullness of the Glory of God is a Day well worth looking forward to, I also believe a lot more of God's Promises are available now than we realise!

But it is in times like these that we turn to the Truth that some of our best days are on the other side of this life.  And how happy I am sure Richard would be about that!  It was this Hope that kept him going.  And it is his example that we can take encouragement from.

When we realise the Love of our Father, and what He will do for us on the other side of this life for the challenges we have faced, it will inspire and encourage us to get through anything!  We can receive the trials that we face today with a confidence that God sees them, and won't forget them.  Our Loving Father will never forget what we went through!

So friends, I want to encourage you and remind you today...  what awaits us on the other side of this often troubled life is a Life free from all pain, sorrow and grief!  What a Hope we have!  What a Day to look froward to!

Like Richard, may this Truth inspire you to face your trials head-on and with joy!  Knowing your Dad won't let you down!

Richard Baasch, thank you for the inspiration that your life was.  We will always remember it.  We look forward to seeing you in Glory.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Look To The Source of Radiance

Psalm 34:5
Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

You can tell a lot about people by the expressions on their faces.  You can tell if they are going through a tough time, having a bad day, having a good day or just generally happy.  God set it up that way.  Our faces tell so much about how we are feeling.

Now God has also set up a way for you to always release His Presence no matter what your circumstances are.  You see, most people's emotions are based on their circumstances.  The immediate situation they are in affects their moods, and thus the very expressions on their faces.

God wants you to remain at peace no matter what you are going through.  This can be very difficult, I know.  But learning to control our emotions as Christians is key to impacting the world around us.  Now, when I say control our emotions, I am not talking with our own willpower.  I am talking about handing your circumstances over to Jesus, and drawing your peace from Him.

And this is exactly what this verse is saying.  When we look to God, who is so Good, Beautiful, Glorious and full of Love for us, something in us begins to change.  And this change even affects our expression.  When we look to Him, our faces begin to radiate.  And this is more than just a big smile, the Glory of God radiates from our faces.  Our happy faces carry more than a smile, they carry their very Glory of God!

I want to encourage you today friends...  No matter what you are going through, no matter what you face, look up to your Saviour.  Lift your head and look to your Father.  Worship Him.  See His Glory.  Ask Him to show you His Glory.  Whenever you get the chance.  And when you do, your face will begin to radiate with His Glory.  People will see with their own eyes the difference about you.  And they will want it.