Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord;
He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.
This is an interesting verse. I am not a hyper-sovereignty preacher, and I don't want to get into a "sovereignty of God" debate with any one as that is not what this article is all about. What I would like to draw your attention to is the first line... "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord".
If you ask me, that is some serious encouragement. Why? Well, God's desire is that all men act in Love toward one another to create a "near perfect" environment. The issue, as we know, is that many people's hearts are in the wrong place. They are motivated by fear, anger, hurt, disappointed instead of Love.
This verse encourages me because it says that God can work with hearts. We know that the Gospel is a radical heart change. But I believe even Christians can get a hard heart toward others, unfortunately. As I am sure you have experienced! So what is the key?
The key is the word "King". Could it be that when a man or a woman recognise their value as a child of God, they automatically open a door for God to work on their hearts? This means even Christians can have hearts closed off from God. They believe and receive Jesus has atoned for their sins, but they haven't realised their value as Royalty, and so have parts of their heart that they haven't opened up to allow God to work on.
What am I saying? All I am saying is that when we realise the value of who we are as children of God, it becomes a whole lot easier to allow God in and do some change on our hearts.
Friends, I have seen it. Just this week I apprehended some boys who we caught stealing a cell phone. I spoke with them and told them their value as children of God. I saw their eyes change. I saw them feel sorry for what they had done. I didn't want a verbal apology, I wanted them to know in their hearts what they had done was wrong. And I was blown away at how emphasising their value as Royal children of God opened up their hearts.
Friends, this is what we after! True and deep heart change! Not outward, external actions that may be empty, but change from the inside. We can have that so easily the more we realise that we are Kings and Queens in the Royal Priesthood of God! (Revelation 19:16 - we are the kings Jesus is King over! And 1 Peter 2:9)
I pray that Holy Spirit would reveal this Glorious Truth to you (and your friends and family), and that as He does so, your heart would open up to the King of kings to be worked on and be motivated by His unconditional Love.
The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord;
He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.
This is an interesting verse. I am not a hyper-sovereignty preacher, and I don't want to get into a "sovereignty of God" debate with any one as that is not what this article is all about. What I would like to draw your attention to is the first line... "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord".
If you ask me, that is some serious encouragement. Why? Well, God's desire is that all men act in Love toward one another to create a "near perfect" environment. The issue, as we know, is that many people's hearts are in the wrong place. They are motivated by fear, anger, hurt, disappointed instead of Love.
This verse encourages me because it says that God can work with hearts. We know that the Gospel is a radical heart change. But I believe even Christians can get a hard heart toward others, unfortunately. As I am sure you have experienced! So what is the key?
The key is the word "King". Could it be that when a man or a woman recognise their value as a child of God, they automatically open a door for God to work on their hearts? This means even Christians can have hearts closed off from God. They believe and receive Jesus has atoned for their sins, but they haven't realised their value as Royalty, and so have parts of their heart that they haven't opened up to allow God to work on.
What am I saying? All I am saying is that when we realise the value of who we are as children of God, it becomes a whole lot easier to allow God in and do some change on our hearts.
Friends, I have seen it. Just this week I apprehended some boys who we caught stealing a cell phone. I spoke with them and told them their value as children of God. I saw their eyes change. I saw them feel sorry for what they had done. I didn't want a verbal apology, I wanted them to know in their hearts what they had done was wrong. And I was blown away at how emphasising their value as Royal children of God opened up their hearts.
Friends, this is what we after! True and deep heart change! Not outward, external actions that may be empty, but change from the inside. We can have that so easily the more we realise that we are Kings and Queens in the Royal Priesthood of God! (Revelation 19:16 - we are the kings Jesus is King over! And 1 Peter 2:9)
I pray that Holy Spirit would reveal this Glorious Truth to you (and your friends and family), and that as He does so, your heart would open up to the King of kings to be worked on and be motivated by His unconditional Love.