Friday, March 30, 2012

How To Change Your Heart

Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord;
He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.

This is an interesting verse.  I am not a hyper-sovereignty preacher, and I don't want to get into a "sovereignty of God" debate with any one as that is not what this article is all about.  What I would like to draw your attention to is the first line...  "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord".

If you ask me, that is some serious encouragement.  Why?  Well, God's desire is that all men act in Love toward one another to create a "near perfect" environment.  The issue, as we know, is that many people's hearts are in the wrong place.  They are motivated by fear, anger, hurt, disappointed instead of Love.

This verse encourages me because it says that God can work with hearts.  We know that the Gospel is a radical heart change.  But I believe even Christians can get a hard heart toward others, unfortunately.  As I am sure you have experienced!  So what is the key?

The key is the word "King".  Could it be that when a man or a woman recognise their value as a child of God, they automatically open a door for God to work on their hearts?  This means even Christians can have hearts closed off from God.  They believe and receive Jesus has atoned for their sins, but they haven't realised their value as Royalty, and so have parts of their heart that they haven't opened up to allow God to work on.

What am I saying?  All I am saying is that when we realise the value of who we are as children of God, it becomes a whole lot easier to allow God in and do some change on our hearts.

Friends, I have seen it.  Just this week I apprehended some boys who we caught stealing a cell phone.  I spoke with them and told them their value as children of God.  I saw their eyes change.  I saw them feel sorry for what they had done.  I didn't want a verbal apology, I wanted them to know in their hearts what they had done was wrong.  And I was blown away at how emphasising their value as Royal children of God opened up their hearts.

Friends, this is what we after!  True and deep heart change!  Not outward, external actions that may be empty, but change from the inside.  We can have that so easily the more we realise that we are Kings and Queens in the Royal Priesthood of God!  (Revelation 19:16 - we are the kings Jesus is King over! And 1 Peter 2:9)

I pray that Holy Spirit would reveal this Glorious Truth to you (and your friends and family), and that as He does so, your heart would open up to the King of kings to be worked on and be motivated by His unconditional Love.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Joshua 1:5
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
(6) “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them.

What a promise from God!  Wow.  Think about that for a second...  "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life."  No one.  Those are big words.  Nothing can come up against you!  It doesn't matter what you face, when you are walking in the purposes of God for your life, nothing can stand in your way.

Now, I know that the above phrase can cast a bit of doubt in people's hearts, and cause them to ask "how do I know I am walking in the purposes of God?"  Well, my answer to that is simple...  Jesus said to us in Matthew 6 that if we "seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness all these things will be added unto us."  I have a very basic rule of thumb in life, I ensure God is first in my life.  His Kingdom always comes first.  And I follow my heart after that.  He's in me, and I trust the decisions I make to be His when He is first!

Now, that's another topic altogether, but let me also just say, when you have a revelation that you are deeply Loved by the Creator of the Universe and are His Beloved Child, it is easy to make Him first.  And when He is first, you will walk in His purposes easier than you think!  And when walking in His purposes, nothing can stand up against you.

You may have pressures and difficulties, like Paul and Silas did in prison, you may face retrenchment or sickness, whatever the trial may be.  But God's Word is clear, it will not stand up against you.  It may intimidate, it may get in your way, but it cannot stand against you.  Eventually, it must and will be removed!

Your God will never leave you nor forsake you, He is with you always.  No matter what it is that you are facing right now, or have to face in the future, know that it cannot be victorious, and won't be victorious.  You may find yourself swimming out in the open seas after a shipwreck or stuck in jail like Paul was, or in a Lion's Den like Daniel, or being pursued by an enemy (Saul) like David...  But if you find the courage from this Message that your God will never leave you nor forsake you, and that it won't end this way, and you don't give up...  like them, you too will see victory!

Thought for the weekend:  Too many battles have been abandoned because the child of God didn't realise that the victory would be theirs if they didn't give up.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How To Please God - Part 2

Colossians 1:9 - 12
(PART 1 - Last week) ...we continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, (PART 2 - This week) being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

So we continue with this 2 part encouragement from this passage..  If you missed last week, visit the previous blog post.  Last week we looked at the fact that we need supernatural wisdom to know God's will for sure.  We also discussed how to live a life that pleases God (it is easier than we think!).  This week, we wrap it up with the final two points coming from this passage in Colossians 1...

3.  Strengthened
Most of us need strengthening.  Especially physically and emotionally.  When we are performing in the purposes Daddy has created us for, something is ignited in our bodies.  We feel refreshed.  We receive life.  This is what happens when we are stepping out in God's will!  It strengthens our very beings!

And if we are doing these things outside of normal working hours, or even in the midst of a tough season in life, they will help give us the patience to endure those tough times.  Whether it be until we get a new job, move into our "calling" full-time, or make it into a comfortable season.

4.  We HAVE been qualified!
Notice how Paul makes this statement in the past tense!  As children of God we have already been qualified through what Jesus did on our behalf.

That means that we have an inheritance.  In order to qualify to become the King of England, there needs to be a son in line.  We have become (even by blood!) children of the Great King and we are thus qualified to take our position in the Royal Kingdom!

And this inheritance is the Earth.  (Rom. 4:13).  The children of God were born to exude the Goodness and Character of God through everyday life in every area of society.  It is our inheritance.

You have already been qualified to enter into that inheritance.  So step into it!  The more Children of God that do, the more we will see transformation in this world.

Friday, March 9, 2012

How To Please God - Part 1

Colossians 1:9 - 12
(PART 1 - This week) ...we continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding,  so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way:  bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, (PART 2 - Next week)  being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

Over the next week, I'd like to use this stunning passage in Colossians to encourage you as you enter God's purposes more and more.  Using the above passage, I am going to highlight 4 points coming out of this passage that will help you.  We'll cover the first 2 today, and the second 2 next week.

1.  The Knowledge of God's will
Paul prays for us to be filled with the knowledge of God's will.  Interestingly, he goes on to say how that knowledge comes about...  through spiritual wisdom.  So the will of God is not an open book, unfortunately.  Due to the fall, we live in a world that has become corrupt and filled with challenges.  Due to the nature of this world, we need supernatural revelation to understand what God's will is.  In general, and for our lives.  To understand that it is always God's will to heal, that God does love you unconditionally despited what you've done etc. requires a supernatural revelation.  If you haven't had such a revelation as yet, I pray you would receive it soon!

2.  Living a life that pleases God
This is an interesting one and will get people caught up if they don't understand the Covenants clearly.  God is pleased with us already!  Notice that at the end of this verse Paul tells us that we are already qualified by Him!

So what is Paul talking about here, then?  It brings joy to Daddy's heart when we understand His will and His heart for mankind!

This is when we understand God's will in general.  But it also brings joy to Daddy's heart when we understand what His will is for our own lives.  When we begin to realise what He created us for.  When we begin to find our purpose in life.

Why does that please Him?  Because we will bear good fruit!  When you are performing tasks according to your divine purpose and destiny, you are the most effective you could ever be as a representative of Heaven!  Representing Heaven doesn't mean trying to preach at every moment you spend with a perceived "unbeliever".  Representing Heaven means people seeing Joy, Peace, Love and Righteousness emitting from your life!  That is a living testimony!  A living epistle.

God wants you to naturally bear fruit.  And when you are doing the things He has created you to do, it will be as natural as breathing.  Whether it is teaching others how to Scuba Dive, coaching your son's Soccer Team, leading a Cell Group, going on a Mission Trip, cooking a meal, mothering a child, presenting a Business Deal, just about anything could be labeled as God's purpose.  The key is finding what it is He has created you to do!

To be continued next week with Part 2...

Friday, March 2, 2012

God Wants To Lead You To Smooth Roads

Jeremiah 31:9
I will lead them beside streams of water, on a level path where they will not stumble.

God wants to lead you to where you are refreshed and the road ahead of you is smooth.  I am sure you would agree with me that a rocky road with potholes, sharp curves and large bumps is conducive to a runner stumbling once or twice.  God clearly doesn't want His children stumbling along their way.  This means He will lead us along paths that aren't conducive to stumbling!

What is this road?  Well, it could be symbolic of many things.  But the closest symbol would be the road of our lives.  The lives we live, the paths we take, in fulfilling our purpose here on Earth.  God wants the road of our lives to be smooth.  And He will lead us along roads that ensure that smooth ride.

Does this mean that life won't have any challenges?  No, of course not.  But it does mean that God's will is to help get through those challenges or even avoid them as much as possible.  That is His heart for us.

We also need to consider here that God wants to leads us away from situations that could trip us up in our walk as His children.  God is leading us all to a place where we will not stumble!  That is a significant thought!  God is the one who is doing this!  He will lead us to a place where we do not stumble.  That is clearly what this verse is telling us.

He also wants to keep us refreshed with streams of Living Water.  He doesn't want us living fast-paced, stressed out lifestyles.  He wants us to live from rest and drinking from the Fountain of His Refreshing Presence.  He is right there, each and every day, in our cars, in our offices, at home, waiting for us to take a drink and enjoy His Presence.  Clear our minds and turn our affections toward Him, that we operate from a place of refreshing.

Also, you may be interested to note that this verse is in the same passage that announces the New Covenant only a few verses on!  (verses 31 onwards)  Friends, the promises in this verse outline significant promises for the child of God living under the New Covenant.

Your Father wants to lead you to a place where you will not stumble and where you drink from His refreshing Presence.  Place your life in His hands, and let Him take you there.