John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His Glory, the Glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth.
This season of Christmas is often called the silly season. Society takes on a whole new cultural look. People are tense, stressed, short-tempered and not many are very jolly. Offices close down and those that just want to get on with work find themselves frustrated. It can be a strange time.
But amidst the marketing geniuses' cries to buy more and the hustle and bustle of last minute organising, we must never forget that this time is marked to celebrate one of the greatest moments in history. We hear it from so many corners so often: "don't forget the reason for the season!" And most of us don't. And I don't mean to come across cliched in this post, but I do want to remind us all to celebrate this time.
Take some time to pray with the family, during the worship service on Sunday, wherever you can, celebrate in your heart the greatness that Christmas stands for. (It may not be the exact historical date of Christ's birth, but it is the date we set aside to celebrate it! And I am sure He doesn't mind!)
And Christmas stands for is something hugely significant. For so many reasons. But one in particular I want to look at today is this: At the birth of Christ, the invisible God became visible.
Jesus came to reveal the Father and what God was like. This is significant in so many ways! No longer was God a mystery! No longer was His Nature and what He was thinking an encrypted mystery to be unlocked by the great thinkers of history. It has been revealed in the person of Jesus.
Jesus is the exact representation of the Nature and Being of God. (Hebrews 1:3) Jesus said if you have seen Him you have seen the Father. (John 14:9) Jesus revealed to mankind what God was like. And to our surprise, He is much more kinder, loving, gracious and good than we thought! And surprisingly less angry!
How many sick people did Jesus turn away? None! How many sinners did Jesus turn away? None! How many sinners did Jesus dine with? Many! How many religious dictators did Jesus get angry with for holding back the Love of God from His people? Many!
Friends! God will never turn you away. No matter who you are or what you have done. No matter what your cry. God hears you. He Loves you as His very own! Don't be discouraged by the enemy's lies. The Truth of the life of Jesus has revealed what God is like once and for all. And He is a good and loving Father beyond what we could ever imagine!
Rest in His Love today. Celebrate His Love this Christmas. Receive His Love this Christmas. And thank Him that He has been eternally revealed ever since becoming a man on Christmas.
May you know His Love and the blessings It brings this Christmas.
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His Glory, the Glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth.
This season of Christmas is often called the silly season. Society takes on a whole new cultural look. People are tense, stressed, short-tempered and not many are very jolly. Offices close down and those that just want to get on with work find themselves frustrated. It can be a strange time.
But amidst the marketing geniuses' cries to buy more and the hustle and bustle of last minute organising, we must never forget that this time is marked to celebrate one of the greatest moments in history. We hear it from so many corners so often: "don't forget the reason for the season!" And most of us don't. And I don't mean to come across cliched in this post, but I do want to remind us all to celebrate this time.
Take some time to pray with the family, during the worship service on Sunday, wherever you can, celebrate in your heart the greatness that Christmas stands for. (It may not be the exact historical date of Christ's birth, but it is the date we set aside to celebrate it! And I am sure He doesn't mind!)
And Christmas stands for is something hugely significant. For so many reasons. But one in particular I want to look at today is this: At the birth of Christ, the invisible God became visible.
Jesus came to reveal the Father and what God was like. This is significant in so many ways! No longer was God a mystery! No longer was His Nature and what He was thinking an encrypted mystery to be unlocked by the great thinkers of history. It has been revealed in the person of Jesus.
Jesus is the exact representation of the Nature and Being of God. (Hebrews 1:3) Jesus said if you have seen Him you have seen the Father. (John 14:9) Jesus revealed to mankind what God was like. And to our surprise, He is much more kinder, loving, gracious and good than we thought! And surprisingly less angry!
How many sick people did Jesus turn away? None! How many sinners did Jesus turn away? None! How many sinners did Jesus dine with? Many! How many religious dictators did Jesus get angry with for holding back the Love of God from His people? Many!
Friends! God will never turn you away. No matter who you are or what you have done. No matter what your cry. God hears you. He Loves you as His very own! Don't be discouraged by the enemy's lies. The Truth of the life of Jesus has revealed what God is like once and for all. And He is a good and loving Father beyond what we could ever imagine!
Rest in His Love today. Celebrate His Love this Christmas. Receive His Love this Christmas. And thank Him that He has been eternally revealed ever since becoming a man on Christmas.
May you know His Love and the blessings It brings this Christmas.