Romans 8:37 - 39 (The Message)
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
For this week's encouragement I am using the Message translation, as it gives us a fresh perspective on one of the most powerful Truths in the Universe; that God Loves us unconditionally, and nothing is going to get in the way of that Love!
Friends, this is the central Message of Scripture, the pivot around which the entire Gospel hinges! That God Loves you unconditionally. Now, you may have heard that on a number of different occasions, and it may not seem personal to you anymore. This is why Paul prays for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:19 that we might know this Love. Because like this verse says, nothing will faze us when we live in the revelation that God Loves us.
I once heard a preacher named Jason Westerfield say that him and his wife have raised their son in a way that he would know how much he is loved. Because of this, he thinks everyone loves him. And this affects how he lives and deals with people. And if people don't love him, it doesn't faze him, because everyone else loves him.
This is how we should live, knowing that we are deeply Loved by the Creator of the Universe, and therefore not letting anything affect us!
What is incredible in this passage in Romans is that Paul emphasises that nothing can separate us from God's Love for us. And do you know what brought about that revelation? The Cross. "The way Jesus embraced us" is referring to what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:19 says that God was in Christ reconciling the world (that's you!) to Himself!
Friends, Jesus sweated blood in the garden of Gethsemane because of what He was about to face at the Cross. And He endured it because He saw a glorious day on the other side of it all where you could be one with Him! That is the depth of His Love for us!
The more revelation we receive of the Cross, the more we will become convinced that nothing can separate us from God's Love for us! My friend, know this today, that nothing can separate you from God's Love! Absolutely nothing! You are deeply and passionately Loved by your Heavenly Father, and He went to the very furthest He possibly could to ensure that nothing can stand between you and His Love! Receive it today, and know, that no matter what you have done and where you have been, He Loves you with a Love that can barely be conceived by the natural mind.
I pray each and every one of us would receive a fresh and deeper revelation of the Work of the Cross, and God's Unconditional and Unending Love for us personally.
For some good sermons regarding God's Love, here are two links worth downloading...
Right-click the link and then click "Save Target As" and save it anywhere on your computer:
- God's Love is Above All Things
- The Love Revolution
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
For this week's encouragement I am using the Message translation, as it gives us a fresh perspective on one of the most powerful Truths in the Universe; that God Loves us unconditionally, and nothing is going to get in the way of that Love!
Friends, this is the central Message of Scripture, the pivot around which the entire Gospel hinges! That God Loves you unconditionally. Now, you may have heard that on a number of different occasions, and it may not seem personal to you anymore. This is why Paul prays for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:19 that we might know this Love. Because like this verse says, nothing will faze us when we live in the revelation that God Loves us.
I once heard a preacher named Jason Westerfield say that him and his wife have raised their son in a way that he would know how much he is loved. Because of this, he thinks everyone loves him. And this affects how he lives and deals with people. And if people don't love him, it doesn't faze him, because everyone else loves him.
This is how we should live, knowing that we are deeply Loved by the Creator of the Universe, and therefore not letting anything affect us!
What is incredible in this passage in Romans is that Paul emphasises that nothing can separate us from God's Love for us. And do you know what brought about that revelation? The Cross. "The way Jesus embraced us" is referring to what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:19 says that God was in Christ reconciling the world (that's you!) to Himself!
Friends, Jesus sweated blood in the garden of Gethsemane because of what He was about to face at the Cross. And He endured it because He saw a glorious day on the other side of it all where you could be one with Him! That is the depth of His Love for us!
The more revelation we receive of the Cross, the more we will become convinced that nothing can separate us from God's Love for us! My friend, know this today, that nothing can separate you from God's Love! Absolutely nothing! You are deeply and passionately Loved by your Heavenly Father, and He went to the very furthest He possibly could to ensure that nothing can stand between you and His Love! Receive it today, and know, that no matter what you have done and where you have been, He Loves you with a Love that can barely be conceived by the natural mind.
I pray each and every one of us would receive a fresh and deeper revelation of the Work of the Cross, and God's Unconditional and Unending Love for us personally.
For some good sermons regarding God's Love, here are two links worth downloading...
Right-click the link and then click "Save Target As" and save it anywhere on your computer:
- God's Love is Above All Things
- The Love Revolution